Nursing Hacks I Wish I Knew as a First-Time Mom

Nursing Hacks I Wish I Knew as a First-Time Mom

I'll never forget the early days of struggling with oversupply as a newborn mom. I'd be sitting on the couch trying to nurse by baby and she would choke and gag, then unlatch and my breastmilk would spray everywhere.  She would be slippery, crying, hungry, and impossible to relatch. It was so tough, I would never even attempt to feed her in public because I'd have to constantly relatch her with milk all over the place. The few times I did attempt feeding her in public I felt vulnerable and exposed. I felt like a human milk fountain and I didn't want that out in the public domain.
August 01, 2024 — Candice Collison
2 Years of Breastfeeding: A Journey of Magic and Exhaustion

2 Years of Breastfeeding: A Journey of Magic and Exhaustion

Take one day at a time.

I found it daunting to sit and think about "how much longer" I had to make it to my one year goal. I would be dealing with one obstacle or another, thinking, "I can't do this." I dealt with each challenge bit by bit, day by day, one for in front of the other. I hated traveling with. my pumping gear and milk, I've been so sick of night wakings turned into feedings, looking forward to us both one day sleeping through the night. The season is one foot in front of the other, and that's how I made it to one year, and then another. 

January 23, 2024 — Candice Collison
Lessons Learned & Intentions Set: A Mother's 2024 New Year Musings

Lessons Learned & Intentions Set: A Mother's 2024 New Year Musings

Last was a year of major family milestones, personal growth, and exciting developments for Of an Origin. 2024 will be the year to trust my instincts as a mother, to grow as a person, and to grow the mission of Mightly and Of an Origin - creating responsibly made, clean, non-toxic clothing for the modern family. Here’s what I’m celebrating from last year, and looking forward to in 2024!
January 02, 2024 — Candice Collison
Tips for Pumping Mamas to Make Traveling Easy(-ier)

Tips for Pumping Mamas to Make Traveling Easy(-ier)

Traveling for nursing/pumping mamas made easy(ier)! I spent the last week in March traveling to Vegas for a conference followed by a girls weekend. Even with planning pumping-friendly outfits and amazing pumping gear it’s still stressful.

As a third-time pumping & breastfeeding mama, here are my top tips and favorite gear for traveling while pumping.

May 03, 2023 — Candice Collison
Breastfeeding in Public: Feeding Babies Wherever, Whenever

Breastfeeding in Public: Feeding Babies Wherever, Whenever

I remember how nervous and embarrassed I was breastfeeding in public as a first time mom. I was so uncomfortable that I made my baby uncomfortable. She would always meltdown in public or on the way home because she was hungry.
February 22, 2023 — Candice Collison
One Year of Breastfeeding: The Math

One Year of Breastfeeding: The Math

I celebrate one year of breastfeeding milestone, because it comes from a place of great love, but also sacrifice. Society guilts us into thinking it should be "easy" and come "naturally" because it is natural. Breastfeeding is a learned skill by both parent and baby. Even IF it comes "easily" it can still be lonely and challenging at times. 

Here are some rough stats behind my breastfeeding journey. I spent 456 hours breastfeeding or pumping for a year, that's over 70 gallons of milk produced. Take a look at the infographic for a breakdown of milk-making metrics.

January 27, 2023 — Candice Collison
Breastfeeding in Style for Every Occassion

Breastfeeding in Style for Every Occassion

Of an Origin is all about supporting new moms during their journeys, so we designed flexible nursing-friendly pieces that effortlessly transition from lounge to work, and from daycare drop-off, and to dinner dates. I felt like I needed pieces that worked for me during the early days at home with my baby, but I didn't want to overhaul my wardrobe with pieces that would only work for lounging, and only during this fleeting, yet all-consuming time in my life. I needed those same pieces to be elevated enough to work when I returned to the office. 

We designed Of an Origin's Everywhere Capsule to work for you from the fourth trimester, fifth trimester, and beyond.

May 27, 2021 — Candice Collison